ホンダ N-BOX JF3
スマートキー追加登録 By AI KPC PRO
Honda N-BOX JF3
Genuine No. 72147-TTA-J41
Add Smart Key Programming By AI KPC PRO
①Immobilizer➙Honda➙②By System➙③Keyless➙④Type1➙⑤Turn ignition ON➙⑥Add one smart key➙
⑦Take all smart key away from the car➙Continue
⑧Put ONLY the original key inside the car➙Continue
⑨Take all keys away from the car➙Continue
⑩Put new smart key(the key you want to add) inside the car➙Continue
⑪Turn ignition OFF
⑫Turn ignition ON (Here you need to turn ignition ON&OFF several times)
⑬Confirm that the security light is OFF, and continue
⑭Turn ignition ON&OFF as instrution and complete.
⑫から画面の指示にしたがって イグニションON/OFFの作業を繰り返して下さい。